Monday, 2 December 2019

Kurt Cobain Shotgun 'to be 'melted down''

Shortly after the film 'Soaked In Bleach' was released; The Seattle Police Department came out with a series of pictures regarding the shotgun Kurt Cobain 'used' to kill himself.
This was done to apparently dispel rumors that the gun was melted down.
Well here is the newspaper article that prompted Tom Grant to tell the world Courtney Love wanted the gun melted down. Courtney said it was to be melted down according to the article.
Also included, courtesy of The Seattle Police Department is the picture of Detective Michael Cysienski with the gun.

So.... Why (allegedly) did The Seattle Police Department come out with the picture, if as (very easily) proven here, Tom Grant is absolutely right?

Monday, 25 November 2019

Nirvana (interview) - September 21st, 1991, Montreal (Kurt Cobain, Krist...

The goal of this blog, a refresher

Thankyou again for your continued interest in justiceforkurt! and this blog.

I will continue including news and information regarding the mysterious death of our boy, music icon and grunge pioneer - Kurt Cobain.

Also, as you have noticed included are links to general Nirvana information, interviews and concerts that were recorded, that as Nirvana fans we feel may be of interest to you.

We feel getting Justice for Kurt is also about promoting the brilliant art, Kurt, Dave and Krist made together aswell as the brilliant work of the former bandmates.

PROJECT UNPLUGGED Segment 3 - inclusive of Courtney asking Tom Grant to surveil Trent Reznor's apartment

Nirvana - 8/23/91 - Reading Festival - the legendary show

Nirvana HBO Rock Hall of Fame 2014 (Full Videos)

Dave Grohl and Krist Novoselic Tell Old Nirvana Stories - Part 2

Dave Grohl and Krist Novoselic Tell Old Nirvana Stories - Part 1

Interview: Nirvana's Dave, Krist + Butch 2011

Nirvana new Interview 11/19/1991 Bootleg DVD Welcome to Italy

Nirvana live Spain 07/03/1992 PRO + Interview

Friday, 15 November 2019

Tom Grant on the 'Allen' Wrench theory

Tom Grant on Allen theory. Tom says it wasnt him

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Nirvana Past Present and Future MTV 1994 subtitulado español

Nirvana In Utero Album Fan Reviews Plus A Band Interview About The Fans ...

Just a quick reminder:
I post EVERY video on my channel under the ''fair use'' act:
Copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright act of 1976, allowance is made for ''fair use'' for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in the favor of fair use.


When Grunge Killed Hair-Metal

Monday, 22 July 2019

UNRELEASED Kurt Cobain Clip “Oh needles needles keep ‘em coming!” - Subs...

Why, allegedly, was this footage even released? What image does it send of Kurt?

Nirvana react to In Utero critics.

Why were Nirvana on the verge of splitting up?

Seattle PD Must reopen Kurt Cobain's Death Investigation. We need justic...

Cali Dewitt and Rene Navarrette.......BOTH employees of Kurt's and residents of his Lake Washington home.

Why didnt they check the greenhouse?
Tom Grant, P.I was castigated for not checking it....and he went there at night and in the rain....these two lived there.

Best meme ever!

Credit to
on twitter

Courtney love phones in radio station wasted!

Please follow and sub to Mr Self Destruct U.K

Nirvana's Rock&Roll Hall of Fame Complete UNCUT Induction Speech Barclay...

No mention of the legend: Danny Goldberg- why is that- allegedly?

Danny Goldberg on Kurt Cobain's death, conspiracy theories, Rosemary Car...

Why doesnt he sue Tom Grant, P.I?

Why doesnt Rosemary Carroll sue Tom Grant, P.I?


Kurt Cobain Murder Inquiry - Tom Grant on Court TV

Kurt Cobain: A Private Investigator's Tale of Murder

Justice For Kurt. Reopenthecase

Cali Michael DeWitt Artwork, Kurt Cobain Case

Courtney Love and 'Elizabeth'?.............

Partner of Rene Navarrette Chloë Sevigny and Courtney Love talking to Elizabeth Peyton then the hai... via

The greenhouse

Why didnt Cali Dewitt check the greenhouse?

Kim Gordon's views on Kurt's death

As first tweeted by twitter'er Jay@rjt686 Kim Gordon wasn't exactly convinced Kurt killed himself as articulated in this article....

Elizabeth Peyton 'Elizabeth'?

'She rose to fame with a show of works at the Chelsea Hotel sponsored by Courtney Love'

Image result for elizabeth peyton via @i_D

Sunday, 21 July 2019

Hey Cactus restaurant, was this the guy who was with Kurt Cobain on April 3rd, 1994? - if it probably was, that proves a (sometime) resident of the Cobain's house and employee of Courtney's KNEW Kurt wasnt suicidal.... #justiceforkurt

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

The death of Kurt Cobain: Why havent Courtney and Michael Dewitt ever su...

Lompoc Investigator on Cobain's Death

Was Kurt Cobain Murdered? | Studio 10

Kurt Cobain's Grandpa Says Not Suicide

Kurt Cobain explains his stomach problem - IBS and Depression

#924 KURT COBAIN's Seattle Drug Den & Last House - Last Days - Daily Tra...

#211 Kurt Cobain And Courtney Love's First LA Apartment (3/8/17)

A visit to Kurt Cobain's old house in the Hollywood hills

Tour of Kurt Cobain's Apartment on Pear Street in Olympia, Washington


Tour of Kurt Cobain's Childhood Home 1210 E 1st St Aberdeen, WA (Felony ...

AMBROSINE visit Kurt Cobain's house in Hollywood Hills 2018

Nirvana (interview) - February 7th, 1994, 40TV Offices, Madrid, Spain - Where is Kurt?

Monday, 15 July 2019

Kristen Pfaff

Frances Barnett- the researcher par excellance

Lake Washington

The Rome Incident- makeup?

Why we are doing what we are doing #justiceforkurt

Courtney Love | On The Record


Courtney Love Lying to Tom Grant

Kurt Cobain's shotgun

Jennifer Adamson- a friend of Cali and Rene's who stayed at Kurt's house the week he was missing

Featured Session: Jessica Hopper | SXSW Music 2016

adorable 2011


Olympia Seed Exchange interview 2011

Saturday, 13 July 2019

Comment on audio of Danny Goldberg talking about Rosemary Carroll

Kurt Cobain was Murdered: Compare the Handwriting - Courtney Love and Ku...

FULL-courtney love-in depth MTV interview 5 months after kurt's death -9.......yet again if she was so upset at Tom Grant's allegations, WHY hasnt she ever sued him in 2 plus decades?

KURT COBAIN: MURDERED (Brendan Hunt/xrayultra).........please subscribe to Brendan Hunt's youtube channel and check out his website. He has put an incredible amount of work into this campaign

El Duce of the Mentors talks about Kurt Cobain & Courtney Love 8-30-96

3 minutes 25 onwards....regarding 'EL Duce'

KURT COBAIN - Last person to speak to him alive questioned.

Nick Broomfield on His Controversial 'Kurt & Courtney' he says- released without litigation. As with everyone else she NEVER sues. Why is that?

Entrevista com Dylan Carlson (Earth) out for the bit where Broomfield asked Dylan 'why didnt Courtney join the search, if she cared so much?'

Courtney Love: Barbara Walters Interview 1995.......sad here, why didnt she join the search for Kurt when she employed Tom Grant PI to find him-- what stopped her?....oh 'business in l.a' (which turned out to be false acording to Rosemary Carroll). Make up your own mind...

Nirvana - Heart-Shaped Box..........some say there was a lot going on with this video (allegedly) - hidden meanings?....this was around the time he stubbed out a cig on his forehead (they cleverly pasted his hair over the area)

Kurt Cobain Talks Music Videos, His Stomach & Frances Bean | MTV News....'I havent had a stomach problem for over a year now'

Nirvana (interview) - August 10th, 1993, Seattle, WA (Kurt Cobain, Krist...) this is still just a week after the MTV awards where he looked profoundly upset

Kurt Cobain: The last photo session.....including talk of Kurt's alleged 'girlfriend' (what?)

Kurt Cobain's Death News Report from KSTW April 8, 1994 - just look at the way the media reported it : rush to judgement?

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Quick Quiz

Why has Courtney Love never sued Tom Grant P.I?

Kurt Cobain & Courtney Love - Interview with the nanny

Why did Kurt Cobain decide to

a. Purchase a shotgun to use to commit suicide then
b. Fly down to Exodus rehab in Los then
c. Walk out the front doors, and fly BACK to then
d. Go to the Cactus restaurant to enjoy a meal with a friend and (according to the owner) search the cinema then

e. Return home and wait a day or so to shoot up, pack all his heroin gear NEATLY away (including putting the caps back on the needles) and BEFORE the drugs wouldve had a chance to take affect shoot himself?

The Cactus restaurant, Seattle- April 3rd 1994.

Kurt Cobain was seen eating a banana pie here, with a friend. This raises a very important question- if he was intent on suicide why bother to go for a meal, a day and a half AFTER returning home from Exodus rehab?

.....and (as rightly raised by twitterer Jefferson Park) why hasnt the 'friend' who was with him ever come forward?

Kurt!, Give her everything, and run as if your very life depends on it. ...

Please support John Purkey in particular- the author of this video. Another tireless campaigner, to get the case into Kurt Cobain's mysterious death reopened.

KURT COBAIN - Last person to speak to him alive questioned.

Cali Thornhill Dewitt, the nanny to Kurt and Courtney's daughter has never (many say) adequately explained why he spoke to Courtney Love 8 times on Saturday April 2nd 1994, from the residence Kurt Cobain was eventually found at. Just one day later Courtney Love hired Tom Grant, PI to find her 'missing' husband.....but completely failed to tell him she had spoken with Cali the day before, and that Kurt had been there.

Video for Cali thornhill dewitt
Image result for Tom GrantTom Grant P.I, who first started the whole campaign to get Kurt Cobain's case reopened has worked tirelessly since 1995 to get the word out that Kurt probably did not commit suicide. His audio files of conversations with Courtney Love and others are nothing short of fascinating and (in a fair world) wouldve probably prompted this case to have been reopened many years ago.
If your not familiar with all the details of the cobain case, please review the videos linked. Over the course of the last year and a half, these videos are far and away the most informative we have come across.

Kurt Cobain was found dead - he was murdered! - Documentary (Seattle, WA...

Kurt Cobain was murdered - Radio Interview with Ian Halperin

Was Kurt Cobain Killed? Interesting facts surrounding his death.

Kurt & Courtney - El Duce Interview

New book questions the circumstances of Kurth Cobain''s death

"Hank" Harrison Courtney Love , Kurt Cobain, Grateful Dead and MORE!!!

Mathew Richer : Mysterious Death of Kurt Cobain Suicide or Murder? You D...

Sunday, 7 July 2019

As time moves forward I will be including a great deal of information pieced together from various sources in the media, that I and other researchers on twitter have surmised to be of probable value. The goal of this blog: to condense down the best information for you.

If after reviewing any information presented here you feel compelled right now to help move this campaign forward....please consider supporting the Official petition started by Dana Dandy at

Dr. Cyril Wecht on Kurt Cobain's Death

Was Kurt Cobain Murdered? | Studio 10

Tom Grant's response to the Seattle PD Spokesperson

The Cobain Case

Author Hank Harrison on His Book "Love Kills" and His Daughter Courtney ...


P.I. Grant discussion of Kurt Cobains mysterious death and surrounding c...

Kurt Cobain Case - Timeline

Project Unplugged: Segments 1-2-3

Escaping Exodus - Investigating The Death of Kurt Cobain

Soaked In Bleach Official Trailer #1 (2014) - Kurt Cobain Movie HD

The Truth About Kurt Cobain (Part 2) with Richard Lee & Max Wallace

The Truth About Kurt Cobain (Part 1) with Richard Lee & Max Wallace

Please check out this informative new podcast featuring Max Wallace and Richard Lee regarding Kurt Cobain's passing. Richard Lee was one of the very first journalists at the scene, and has been campaigning flat out since. Max Wallace co-wrote two books with Ian Halperin on this subject.

Thursday, 4 July 2019


Hi and welcome to justiceforkurt2020.

This blog will be consolidating the best information regarding the campaign to get the case into the mysterious death of Kurt Cobain reopened. I will also be including background information on Kurt Cobain and the art him and his band-mates made.
I hope you will find the information found herein to be educational and informative.

The goal is to help you the reader make sense out of the 25 years of media output regarding this case, and where the truth probably lies.

I dedicate this blog to all Kurt's fans.

I link EVERY video on my channel under the ''fair use'' act:
Copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright act of 1976, allowance is made for ''fair use'' for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in the favor of fair use.

Disclaimer: I make no claims anywhere in this blog: inclusive of ANY video AND ALL TEXT ANYWHERE HERE of any wrongdoing or illegality on the part of ANYONE mentioned in the pages of this blog. Any videos included anywhere in this blog are the property of the respective copyright owners. They aren't my work and I do not claim as such anywhere here. Please contact me, if they are yours and you want them unlinked. I will be more than happy to oblige.

Nowhere in this blog do I accuse anyone linked to Kurt Cobain of being involved in his death. This is very simply a call to have the official investigation reopened baring in mind the information I am showing.

Lastly I am not associated to Tom Grant PI or the makers of Soaked In Bleach in any way.